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Farmers and Foodies is a group of farmers, homesteaders, culinary artists and 'foodies' who grow and add value to locally grown foods.
Because we have relationships with one another, we trade what we produce without the restrictions of commercial marketplaces that rely on liscencing to ensure food safety. We do have a state certified kitchen available for those who WANT to licsence their products. Currently all value added products are processed in this kitchen.
Because we know and trust one another's particular production practices, we're able to continue the rural tradition of growing and producing foods in keeping with our values, whether or not they conform to marketplace restrictions.
With a pool of regular producers and consumers, barterring is often effortless. With food at the center of trade, we not only enJOY fresh and nutritious food, we work to grow a small scaled, agriculturally based economy that redefines wealth, returning us to an economy more in keeping with the values that prompt us to live in rural Maine.
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