For a narrative of our story, stay tuned for
Redbook Records' Serial Story project or check out snippets of it in the Restorative Stories section of this website....
Until those are available, here's some highlights of accomplishments & setbacks
The historic house purchased
repairs and rennovations to buildings and grounds
resident stewards move in MOFGA becomes fiscal agent
workshop house built community garden plot established
board of directors forms, 501c3 status applied for
digitizing and archiving Garcelon family's
photographs letters going back to the civil war
bunkhouse, millhouses constructedd
strawberry patches and farmstand gazebo established
"Milly" moves into the millhouse 501c3 status awarded
Sugarbush established Footprints Newsletter begins publication
We lose and grieve our beloved mentor: David Rock
begin winter Yankee Swaps
Our first strawberry harvest! building soils and various cottage industries
Waldo Wools Redbook Records Welcome Wagon Waldo Walkabouts
Oral Histories with Bud build commercial kitchen enterprises
build a website prepare for SHEEP!
Starter flocks of sheep and chickens move to the farm
Greenhouses constructed Barn planned regularly film community events consistent with our mission
2009 -2010
Barn Built Sponsor Community Garden and oral history projects with Troy Elementary students
funding lost re-eavaluation of projects and cottage industries
2011 - 2014
two remaining sustaining stewards liquidate assets to subsidize their volunteer work applying for grants / searching for farmmates
to share the work of: realizing our mission, maintaining biuldings and grounds and growing collaborative cottage industries mentor and support resident stewards in growing their cottage industries repair and assemple floor loom improve pastures host MFA's fiber farm tour
vend Waldo Wools products at Fiber College Newport Spin-in and online continue spring lambing and hatching traditions
grow both flocks and markets for fleece, roving, eggs, lamb and poultry start a flock of geese build a website and facebook pressence explore land trusts and town farm traditions as potential models to adopt struggle to perservere inspire ourselves with memories of neighboring old timers we were sooooo lucky to know
2015 (planned)
build website as outreach tool
keep house from freezing
repair damage to buldings and grounds
welcome new stewards, board members and opportunities
grow collaborative efforts of fundraising and community building with local civic organizations host portions of TUC's steeple rennovation project and its laborers launch farmers n foodies and fiber folk projects
see our mission realizing itself and resume Welcome Wagon gatherings