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Joy Town Farm (in kind)

Joy Town Farm (in kind)


  • Capital Campaign

       As we celebrate 20 years reaching to realize our mission,  TGH has launched a capital campaign to purchase the large homestead / small farm that has hosted it's good works since it's launch.  Current donations will be applied towards the buildings, grounds, administration and marketing needed to reorganize ourselves and move forward.

       When donating, you can earmark your donation towards a particular cottage industry or project you wish to support.

    As each focal point of our collaborative effort is meant to contriubute towards the overall re-organization  of our efforts and endeavors, a contribution earmarked with a particular focus will be applied to that enterprises obligation the shared work of reorganizing ourselves.  Once we've reached our collaborative goal of reorganizing our physical and aministrative infrastructure meant to serve the various industries and enterprises here, donations earmarked for a particular endeavor will go towards sponsoring initiatives specific to it's goals and objectives.

  • The INNstead

      The Inn-stead means to work in concert with other cottage industries in order to provide a farm stay experience for friends, families, civic clubs and work groups on retreat from urban and sub-urban landscapes and economies. 

      Part Inn, part homestead, this place hosts recreational trails, daily routines of a small scale diversified farming, workshop space and mentorship opportunities.  

         Guests are offered space to involve themselves in systems here that feed, clothe and house sustaining lifestyles...        

            ...or to simply become familliar with nearby farms whose products feed Inn-tead guests during their stay.

        Farm Stayers are encouraged to return seasonally for rest, rejuvenation, recreation and enjoyment of the year's progress.  INNstead hosts will, upon request, facillitate relationships between guests and local farmers in order to send farm stay guests home with locally sourced whole foods and ready meals that fill their home larders and freezers, nourishing returning farm stay folks in their daily lives between retreats.

  • The Town Farm initiative

     The Garcelon House means to recreate itself as a pilot project for revisitng the town farm model with 21st century sensibilities and without the stigma town farms once had as the "Poor Farm".  

       By seeding an ag based hospitality cottage industry to subsidize the cost of running a town farm, TGH stewards hope  to invigorate Troy's once largely agricultural econonomy by cross pollenating it with the economies of currency that residents of urban and sub-urban dwellings enjoy. 

      Named "Joy Town Farm" as Troy was once named Joy,  her farmers are encouraged in imagining the opportunities and long friendships springing from this once common practice of urban dwellers spending some of their holidays in rural agriculutural settings.

  • Payment options...

    If you'd prefer to avoid the service fees assosciate with online transactions you can mail a payment to The Garcelon House at 198 Ward Hill Road in Troy, Maine, 04987.  If you care to set up a payment directly from your bank or credit union to TGH'S credit unon,  become a member through our website and we can make that arrangement.  Thanks for your consideration!

    Reducing the administrative costs of moving money means the stewards of our mission, as well as the farmers, shepherds, food and fiber artists have more time to spend doing the work we're here to do.

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