Share your talents
Earmark your donation for incubating a cottage industry, growing the footprint fund towards purchase of property for it's town farm initiative, funding labor and supplies to maintain buildings & grounds, administration, fund raising efforts and outreach.
Payment information
If you'd prefer to avoid service fees for online payments, send a check or money order to us directly or become a member. Once a member we can set up a direct deposits from your bank / credit union to ours without any fees. To become a member follow the prompts from the sign in logo at the top right of your screen.
For mor information about the Footprint Fund...
The footprint fund is set up to gather monies to purchase and improve the property that has hosted The actual Garcelon homestead for nearly 200 years and it's non- profit for the last 20 years. To learn abouthe the town farm initiative meant to take root once the property is purchased, click on the the JOY TOWN FARM button on the site map page and follow it's links.
part time / full time / annually / seasonally
if you intend to share your time / labor / skills / talents / tools / knowleedge on an ongoing basis throughout the year, choose the number of hours per week for 52 weeks, if you mean to lend them for a particular season, month or day, enter the day you intend to start then choose hours / day and the duration you intend to share from that start date.